Wing Charms - Mixed Set of 4
Explore the delicate beauty of nature with our collection of butterfly wing charms. This set features four stunning pieces of our choosing: one large, one medium, and two small charms, created from the vibrant wings of North American butterflies. Each charm gives off a touch of elegance and whimsy, serving as a constant reminder of nature’s wonders and the cycles of life.
Each butterfly wing is carefully labeled with both the common name and the scientific name. This practice enhances visitors' understanding of our diverse butterfly species and promotes awareness of their ecological significance.
Butterfly wings may include the following:
Monarch Butterfly
Danaus plexippusBlack Swallowtail Butterfly
Papilio polyxenesPainted Lady
Vanessa carduiZebra Longwing
Heliconius charithoniaRed Admiral
Vanessa atalantaGiant Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontesCabbage White
Pieris rapaeOrange Sulphur
Colias eurytidesQueen
Danaus gilippusSpicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilusPipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenorGulf Fritillary
Dione vanillaeVariegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudiaQuestion Mark
Polygonia interrogationisBuckeye
Junonia coenia
Explore the delicate beauty of nature with our collection of butterfly wing charms. This set features four stunning pieces of our choosing: one large, one medium, and two small charms, created from the vibrant wings of North American butterflies. Each charm gives off a touch of elegance and whimsy, serving as a constant reminder of nature’s wonders and the cycles of life.
Each butterfly wing is carefully labeled with both the common name and the scientific name. This practice enhances visitors' understanding of our diverse butterfly species and promotes awareness of their ecological significance.
Butterfly wings may include the following:
Monarch Butterfly
Danaus plexippusBlack Swallowtail Butterfly
Papilio polyxenesPainted Lady
Vanessa carduiZebra Longwing
Heliconius charithoniaRed Admiral
Vanessa atalantaGiant Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontesCabbage White
Pieris rapaeOrange Sulphur
Colias eurytidesQueen
Danaus gilippusSpicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilusPipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenorGulf Fritillary
Dione vanillaeVariegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudiaQuestion Mark
Polygonia interrogationisBuckeye
Junonia coenia
Explore the delicate beauty of nature with our collection of butterfly wing charms. This set features four stunning pieces of our choosing: one large, one medium, and two small charms, created from the vibrant wings of North American butterflies. Each charm gives off a touch of elegance and whimsy, serving as a constant reminder of nature’s wonders and the cycles of life.
Each butterfly wing is carefully labeled with both the common name and the scientific name. This practice enhances visitors' understanding of our diverse butterfly species and promotes awareness of their ecological significance.
Butterfly wings may include the following:
Monarch Butterfly
Danaus plexippusBlack Swallowtail Butterfly
Papilio polyxenesPainted Lady
Vanessa carduiZebra Longwing
Heliconius charithoniaRed Admiral
Vanessa atalantaGiant Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontesCabbage White
Pieris rapaeOrange Sulphur
Colias eurytidesQueen
Danaus gilippusSpicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilusPipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenorGulf Fritillary
Dione vanillaeVariegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudiaQuestion Mark
Polygonia interrogationisBuckeye
Junonia coenia